About Me

- Mansur Ahamed
- Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
- Sales Professional with great love for nature, collecting various birds on my camera, fighting for conservation of nature. My wife,Gaythri Devi also sharing similar interests and also being a better photographer, you can find us on Sundays in some jungle!
Thursday, January 27, 2011
Crested Serpent Eagle
Spilornis cheela 56-74cm
Kondai Paambukkazhugu in Tamil (கொண்டை பாம்புக்கழுகு)
Widespread resident. Broad, rounded wings. Soars with wings held forward and in pronounced V. Adult has broad white bands across wings and tail. hooded appearance at rest, with yellow cere and lores, and white spotting on brown under parts. Juvenile has blackish ear coverts, yellow cere and lores, whitish head and underparts, narrower barring on tail and largely white underwing with fine dark barring and dark trailing edge. Forest and well wooded country.
Brown Capped Pygmy Woodpecker
Dendrocopos nanus 13cm
Chinna Marangotthi in Tamil (சின்ன மரங்கொத்தி)
Widespread resident. Very small. Has brown crown and eye stripe, brown coloration to upperparts, greyish to brownish white underparts (streaked with brown) and white spotting on central tail feathers. Light forest and secondary growth.
Black Headed Cuckooshrike
Coracina melanoptera 18cm
Karunthalai Kuyilkeechaan in Tamil (கருந்தலை குயில்கீச்சான்)
Widespread resident. Male has slate grey head and breast and pale grey mantle. Female has whitish supercilium, barred underparts, and pale grey back and rump contrasting with blackish tail; broad white fringes to coverts and tertials. Open broad leaved forest and secondary growth.
Saturday, January 22, 2011
Little Ringed Plover
Charadrius dubius 14-17cm
Chinna Pattani Uppukkothi in Tamil (சின்ன பட்டாணி உப்புக்கொத்தி)
Widespread resident and winter visitor. Small size, elongated and small headed appearance and uniform upperwing with only a very narrow wing bar. Legs yellowish or pinkish. Adult breeding has striking yellow eye ring. Adult non breeding and juvenile have less distinct head pattern. Flight call is a descending pee-oo or short peeu. Freshwater and coastal wetlands.
Marsh Sandpiper
Tringa stagnatilis 22-25cm
Sadhuppu Mankothi in Tamil (சதுப்பு மண்கொத்தி)
Widespread winter visitor. Smaller and daintier than common greenshank with proportionately longer legs and finer bill. Legs greenish or yellowish. Upperparts are grey and foreneck and underparts white in non-breeding plumage. In breeding plumage, foreneck and breast streaked and upperparts blotched and barred. Juvenile has dark streaked upperparts with buff fringes. Abrupt dull yup flight call. Mainly freshwater wetlands.
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