About Me

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Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Sales Professional with great love for nature, collecting various birds on my camera, fighting for conservation of nature. My wife,Gaythri Devi also sharing similar interests and also being a better photographer, you can find us on Sundays in some jungle!

Saturday, December 25, 2010

Common Rose Finch

Carpodacus erythrinus 14.5 - 15cm
Sengoombazhaguchillai in Tamil (செங்கூம்பழகுசில்லை)
Breeds in Baluchistan and Himalayas. widespread in winter. Compact with short, stout bill. Male has read head,breast and rump. Female has streaked upperparts and underparts and double wingbar. Migrant nominate race has less red in male and female is less heavily streaked compared with resident race. Breeds in high altitude shrubberies and open forest; winters in cultivation with bushes.

Tickell's Leaf Warbler

Phylloscopus affinis 11cm
Tickell elaikathirkuruvi in Tamil (Tickell இலைகதிற்குருவி)
Breeds in Himalayas; Widespread in winter. Dark greenish to greenish-brown underparts, and bright yellow supercilium concolorous with throat and breast. Some worn birds paler on supercilium and underparts. Breeds in open country with bushes; winters in bushes at edges of forest and cultivation.

Blue Rock Thrush

Monticola solitarius 20cm
Neela Poonguruvi in Tamil (நீலப்பூங்குருவி) 
Resident and winter visitor. Breeds in Baluchistan and Himalayas; Widespread in winter. Male indigo-blue, obscured by pale fringes in non-breeding and first-winter plumages. Female has bluish cast to slaty-brown upperparts, and buff scaling on underparts. Vagrant philippensis has rufous breast and belly. Breeds on open rocky slopes; winters in dry rocky areas.

Black Bulbul

Hypsipetes leucocephalus 25cm
Karunchinnan in Tamil (கருஞ்சின்னான்)
Resident. Slate-grey to blackish bulbul with shallow fork to tail; red bill, legs and feet. Birds in Western Ghats (H.l.ganeesa) and Sri Lanka are darker than H.l.psaroides which occupies most of Himalayan range. Juvenile lacks crest; has whitish underparts with diffuse grey breast band, and brownish cast to upperparts. Mainly broadleaved forest and plantations.

Asian Fairy Bluebird-Male

Irena puella 25cm
Neelachittu in Tamil (நீலச்சிட்டு)
Resident. Male has glistening violet blue upperparts and black underparts. Female and first-year male entirely dull blue-green. Evergreen and moist deciduous forest.

Friday, December 24, 2010

Blue Tailed Bee Eater

Merops philippinus 23-26cm
Neela Vaal Panchuruttan in Tamil (நீலவால்பஞ்சுருட்டான்)
Breeds in N and NE subcontinent; winters in peninsula and Sri Lanka. Blue rump, tail and undertail coverts. Chestnut throat. Forehead and supercilium are mainly green and concolorous with crown, with touch of blue on supercilium. Chestnut of throat extends onto ear coverts, and blue streak below black mask is less extensive than in blue-cheeked and lacks green in lower ear coverts. Green upperparts and underparts washed with brown and blue. Juvenile differs from juvenile blue cheeked in having strong blue cast to tail and more extensive rufous throat. Near water in wooded country.

Wednesday, December 22, 2010

White Eyed Buzzard

Butastur teesa 43cm
Vellaikkan Vairi in Tamil (வெள்ளைகண்வைரி )  
Widespread resident. Longish, rather slim wings, long tail and buzzard like head. Pale median-covert panel. Flight Accipiter like. Adult has black gular stripe, white nape patch, barred underparts, dark wing-tips, and rufous tail; iris yellow. Juvenile has buffish head and breast streaked with dark brown, with moustachial and throat stripes indistinct or absent; rufous uppertail more strongly barred; iris brown. Dry open country.

Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Eurasian Blackbird

Turdus merula 25-28 cm
Malaichittan in Tamil (மலைசிட்டான்) 
Resident. Very variable. Males of the Himalayan races are black and females mainly dark brown. Races in the peninsula are smaller, brownish slate-grey above, with variable dark cap, have distinct orange patch behind eye and have paler underparts; females are paler than Himalayan races, especially on underparts. In moist forest and well wooded areas.

Indian Scimitar Babbler

Pomatorhinus horsfieldii 22cm
Valaintha Alagu Silamban in Tamil (வளைந்த அலகு சிலம்பன்)
Resident. Yellow bill, white supercilium. Breast sides and flanks grey to blackish in peninsular india, olive to chestnut-brown in Sri Lanka. Forest and secondary growth.

Black and Orange Flycatcher

Ficedula nigrorufa 11cm
Karuppu Orange Eeppidippan in Tamil (கருப்பு ஆரஞ்சு ஈப்பிடிப்பான்)
Resident. Western Ghats. Male rufous orange and black; femake duller. Evergreen sholas and moist thickets in ravines.

Nilgiri Laughing Thrush

Garrulax cachinnans 20cm
Nilagiri Sirippan in Tamil (நீலகிரி சிரிப்பான்)
Resident. SW Indian Hills. Prominent white supercilium, grey crown and black chin, rufous throat and breast, and rufous ear-coverts. Forest undergrowth and scrub.

Friday, December 17, 2010

Grey Wagtail

Motacilla cinerea 19cm
Karunchambal Vaalaatti in Tamil (கருஞ்சாம்பல் வாலாட்டி) 
Breeds in Baluchistan and Himalayas; widespread in winter. Longer tailed than other wagtails. White supercilium, grey upperparts, and yellow vent and undertail-coverts. Male has black throat when breeding. Breeds by mountain streams; winters by slower streams in lowlands and foothills.

Sunday, December 12, 2010

Yellow Wagtail

Motacilla flava 18cm
Manjal Vaalaatti in Tamil (மஞ்சள் வாலாட்டி)
Widespread in winter. Male breeding has olive-green upperparts and yellow underparts, with considerable variation in coloration of head depending on race. Female extremely variable, but often some features of breeding male. First winter birds typically have brownish-olive upperparts, and whitish underparts with variable yellowish wash; some can closely resemble citrine, but have narrower white supercilium which does not continue around ear-coverts. Damp grasslands.

Greenish Warbler

Phylloscopus trochiloides 10-11cm
Ilaikathirkuruvi in Tamil (இலைகதிர் குருவி)
Widespread in winter. Slurred, loud chli-wee call. No crown stripe; fine wing bar (sometimes two). Breeds in forest and subalpine shrubberies; winters in well wooden areas.

Saturday, December 11, 2010

Indian Silverbill

Lonchura malabarica 11-11.5cm
Venthondaichillai in Tamil (வெண்தொண்டைசில்லை)
Widespead resident. Adult has white rump and uppertail-coverts, black tail with elongated central feathers, and rufous buff barring on flanks. Juvenile has buffish underparts, lacks flank barring, and has shorter tail. Dry cultivation, grassland and thorn scrub.

White Rumped Munia

Lonchura striata 10-11cm
Venmuthuguchillai in Tamil (வெண்முதுகுசில்லை)
Resident. Dark breast and white rump. Souther L.s.striata has clean black throat and breast, and unstreaked creamy-white or white belly. Northern acuticauda has pale streaking on ear-coverts, rufous brown to whitish fringes to brown breast, and dingy underparts with faint streaking. Open wooded areas and scrub.

Monday, December 6, 2010

Brown Shrike

Lanius cristatus 18-19cm
Pazhuppukkeecchaan in Tamil (பழுப்புக்கீச்சான்)
Widespread winter visitor. Compaer with rufous tailed, typically has darker rufous-brown underparts; alsothicker bill and more graduated tail. Forest edges and scrub.

Sunday, December 5, 2010

White Browed Wagtail

Motacilla maderaspatensis 21cm
Karuppu Vellai Vaalaatti in Tamil (கருப்பு வெள்ளை வாலாட்டி)
Widespread resident. Large black and white wagtail. Head black with white supercilium, and has black mantle. Juvenile has brownish-grey head, mantle and breast, with white supercilium. Freshwater wetlands.

Sunday, November 28, 2010

Black Shouldered Kite

Elanus caeruleus 31-35cm
Karunthol Parunthu in Tamil (கருந்தோள் பருந்து)
Widespread resident. Small size. Grey and white with black shoulders. Flight buoyant, with much hovering. Juvenile has brownish-grey upperparts with pale fringes, with less distinct shoulder patch. Grassland with cultivation and open scrub.

Thursday, November 25, 2010

Large Grey Babbler

Turdoides malcolmi 28cm
Periya Saambal Silamban in Tamil (பெரிய சாம்பல் சிலம்பன்)

Resident. Whitish sides to long, graduated tail; unmottled pinkish-grey throat and breast, pale grey forehead and dark grey lores. Open dry scrub and cultivation.

Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Wire Tailed Swallow

Hirundo smithii 14cm
Kambivaal Thagaivilaan in Tamil (கம்பிவால் தகைவிலான்)
Widespread resident. Chestnut crown, glistening white underparts and underwing-coverts, and fine filamentous projections to outer tail feathers (often broken or difficult to see). Juvenile has brownish cast to blue upperparts, and dull brownish crown. Open country and cultivation near fresh waters.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

Black Headed Gull

Larus ridibundus 38cm
Karupputhalai Kadarkaakkai in Tamil (கருப்புதலை கடற்காக்கை)
Widespread winter visitor and passage migrant. Smaller than brown headed gull, with finer bill and narrower and more pointed wings. Distinctive white 'flash' on primaries/primary coverts of upper wing; black on wing tips and upperwings is much less extensive than in brown headed in all plumages. Bill blackish-red and hood uniform dark brown in breeding plumage. In non-breeding and first winter plumages, bill tipped black and head largely white with dark ear-covert patch. Coasts and large inland lakes and rivers.

Friday, November 12, 2010

Lesser Racket Tailed Drongo

Dicrurus remifer 25cm
Thuduppuvaal Karichaan in Tamil (துடுப்புவால் கரிச்சான்)
Tufted forehead without crest, square ended tail, and smaller size and bill than greater racket tailed; has smaller flattened rackets which are webbed on both sides of shaft (rather than longer, twisted and webbed only on one side of shaft). As in greater, tail streamers and rackets can be missing or broken in adult, and are missing in immature. Moist broadleaved forest.

Black Hooded Oriole

Oriolus xanthornus 25cm
Karunthalai Maanguyil in Tamil (கருந்தலை மாங்குயில்)
Widespread resident. Adult has black head and breast. Immature has yellow forehead, black streaked white throat and yellow breast. Open broad leaved forest and well wooded areas.

Sunday, November 7, 2010

Scaly Breasted Munia

Lonchura punctulata 10.7-12cm
Pullichchillai in Tamil (புள்ளிச்சில்லை)
Widespread resident. Adult has chestnut throat and upper breast, and whitish underparts with dark scaling. Juvenile has brown upperparts and buffish underparts; bill black. Open forest, bushes and cultivation.

Chestnut Headed Bee Eater

Merops leschenaulti 18-20cm
Senthalai Panchuruttaan in Tamil (செந்தலை பஞ்சுருட்டான்)
Resident and partial migrant. Chestnut crown, nape and mantle, and yellow throat with diffuse black gorget. Tail has slight fork. Juvenile washed out version of adult, but crown and nape dark green on some; has rufous wash to lower throat, diffuse black gorget and turquoise rump. Near stream in deciduous forest.

Saturday, November 6, 2010

White Breasted Kingfisher

Halcyon smyrnensis 28cm
Venmaarbu Meenkothi in Tamil (வெண்மார்பு மீன்கொத்தி)
Widespread resident. White throat and centre of breast, brown head and most of underparts, and turquoise upperparts. White wing patch. Cultivation, forest edges, gardens, freshwater and coastal wetlands.

Loten's Sunbird-Female

Nectarinia lotenia 13cm
Loten Thenchittu in Tamil (லோட்டன் தேன்ச்சிட்டு)
Resident. Sickle shaped bill. Male has dusky brown belly and vent. Female dark olive green on upperparts; lacks supercilium and masked appearance of purple. Call is a hard chit chit, lacking buzzing quality of purple. Well wooded country.

Northern Pintail

Anas acuta 51-56cm
Oosivaal Vaathu in Tamil (ஊசிவால் வாத்து)
Widespread winter visitor. Long neck and pointed tail. Male has chocolate brown head, with white stripe down sides of neck. Female has comparatively uniform buffish head, slender grey bill and shows white trailing edge to secondaries and greyish underwing in flight. Freshwater wetlands and brackish lagoons.

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Yellow Wattled Lapwing

Vanellus malarbaricus 26-28cm
Manjalmookku Aalkaati in Tamil (மஞ்சள்மூக்கு ஆள்காட்டி)
Resident. Mainly in India. Yellow wattles and legs. White supercilium, dark cap, and brown breast band. Open dry ground.

Yellow Eyed Babbler

Chrysomma sinense 18cm
Manjal Kan Silamban in Tamil (மஞ்சள் கண் சிலம்பன்)
Widespread resident. Yellow iris and orange eye ring, white lores and supercilium, and white throat and breast. Tall grass, bushes and reeds.

Yellow Crowned Woodpecker

Dendrocopos mahrattensis 17-18cm
Manjal Netri Marangothi in Tamil (மஞ்சள் நெற்றி மரங்கொத்தி)
Resident. Yellowish forehead and forecrown, white spotted upperparts, poorly defined moustachial stripe, dirty underparts with heavy but diffuse streaking, red patch on lower belly, and white barring on central tail feathers. Open woodland, open country with scattered trees.

Yellow Billed Babbler

Turdoides affinis 23cm
Manjal Alagu Silamban in Tamil (மஞ்சள் அழகு சிலம்பன்)
Resident. Creamy white crown, dark mottling on throat and breast, and pale rump and tail base (although juvenile more similar to jungle). Scrub.

White Cheeked Barbet

Megalaima viridis 23cm
Ven Kanna Kukkuruvan in Tamil (வெண் கன்ன குக்குருவன்)
Resident. Brownish bill. White supercilium and cheeks contrasting with brown crown and nape. Whitish throat, and bold white streaking on breast. Call is pucock, pucock, pucock. Wooded areas, gardens, groves.

White Browed Fantail

Rhipidura aureola 18cm
Venthondai Visirivaal Eeppidippaan in Tamil (வெண் தொண்டை விசிறிவால் ஈப்பிடிப்பான்)
Widespread resident. Broad white supercilia which meet over forehead, blackish throat, white breast and belly, and white spotting on wing coverts. Forest and wooded areas.

White Browed Bulbul

Pycnonotus luteolus 20cm
Venpuruva Chinnaan in Tamil (வெண் புருவ சின்னான்)
Resident. White supercilium and crescent below eye, and dark eye stripe and moustachial stripe. Otherwise nondescript. Dry scrub and forest edges.

White Breasted Waterhen

Amaurornis phoenicurus 32cm
Venmaarbu Kaanaankozhi in Tamil (வெண் மார்பு கானாங்கோழி)
Widespread resident. Adult has grey upperparts, and white face, foreneck and breast; undertail-coverts rufous-cinnamon. Juvenile has greyish face, foreneck and breast, and olive-brown upperparts. Thick cover close to fresh waters.

White Bellied Minivet

Pericrocotus erythropigius 15cm
Venvayitru Minchittu in Tamil (வெண் வயிற்று மின்சிட்டு)
Resident. White wing patch and orange rump. Male has black head and upperparts, and white underparts with orange breast. Female has brown upperparts and white underparts. Dry open scrub and forest. 

White Bellied Drongo

Dicrurus caerulescens 24cm
Venvayitru Karichaan in Tamil (வெண் வயிற்று கரிச்சான்)
Widespread resident. Whitish from belly downwards in all plumages. Open forest and well wooded areas.

Little Tern

Sterna albifrons 22-24cm
Siriya Aalaa in Tamil (சிறிய ஆலா)
Resident. breeds locally, widespread in non breeding season. Fast flight with rapid wingbeats, long bill, and narrow based wings. Adult breeding has white forehead and black tipped yellow bill. Adult non breeding and immature have blackish bill, and black mask and nape band. Juvenile has dark subterminal marks to upperpart feathers. Mainly freshwater lakes and rivers, also coastal waters.

Spotted Owlet

Athene brama 21cm
Pullichiru Aandhai in Tamil (புள்ளிச்சிறு ஆந்தை) 
Widespread resident. White spotting on upperparts, including crown, and diffuse brown spotting or barring on underparts. Pale facial discs and nuchal collar. Call is a harsh, screechy chirurr-chirurr-chirurr...followed by/alternated with cheevak,cheevak,cheevak. Habitation and cultivation.

Spotted Dove

Streptopelia chinensis 30cm
Pullippuraa in Tamil (புள்ளிப்புறா)
Widespread resident. Spotted upperparts, and black and white chequered patch on neck sides. Cultivation, habitation and open forest.

Spot Billed Pelican

Pelecanus philippensis 140cm
Pulli Alagu Koozhaikkada in Tamil (புள்ளி அலகு கூழைக்கடா)
Resident. Widespread in non breeding season. Much smaller than Great White and Dalmatian, with dingier appearance, rather uniform pinkish bill and pouch (except in breeding condition) and black spotting on upper mandible (except juveniles). Tufted crest/hindneck usually apparent even on young birds. Underwing pattern similar to that of Dalmatian showing little contrast between wing coverts and flight feathers and with paler greater coverts producing distinct central panel. Adult breeding has cinnamon pink rump, underwing coverts and undertaidl coverts; head and neck appear greyish; has purplish skin in front of eye,and pouch is pink to dull purple and blotched with black. Adult non-breeding dirtier greyish white, with pouch pinkish. Immature has variable grey brown markings on upperparts. Juvenile has brownish head and neck, brown mantle and upperwing coverts (fringed with pale buff) and brown flight feathers; spotting on bill initially lacking. Large inland and coastal waters.

Spot Billed Duck

Anas poecilorhyncha 58-63cm
Pulli Mookku Vaathu in Tamil (புள்ளி மூக்கு வாத்து)
Widespread resident. Yellow tip to bill, dark crown and eye stripe, and spotted breast. Nominate has red loral spot, and boldly scalloped flanks; white tertials and green speculum.Freshwater wetlands.

Small Sunbird

Small Minivet-Female

Pericrocotus cinnamomeus 16cm
Chinna Minchittu in Tamil (சின்ன மின்சிட்டு)
Widespread resident. Small size. Much racial variation. Male has dark grey to pale grey upperparts, black to dark grey throat, and deep orange to mainly white underparts. Female's underparts vary from mainly orange-yellow to mainly white. Open wooded areas.

Small Blue Kingfisher or Common Kingfisher

Alcedo atthis 16cm
Siriya Neela Meenkothi in Tamil (சிறிய நீல மீன்கொத்தி)
Widespread resident. Orange ear coverts. Greenish blue on head, scapulars and wings, and turquoise line down back. Fresh waters in open country, also mangroves and seashore in winter.

Plum Headed Parakeet

Psittacula cyanocephala 36cm
Senthalaikkili in Tamil (செந்தலை கிளி)
Widespread resident. Head is plum red on male, pale grey on female. Yellow upper mandible, and white tipped green tail. Head of female is paler grey than in slaty headed, and lacks black chin stripe and half collar; has yellow collar and upper breast. Forest and well wooded areas.


Accipiter badius 30-36cm
Vallooru in Tamil (வல்லூறு)
Widespread resident. Adults paler than Besra and Eurasian Sparrowhawk. Underwing pale, with fine barrings on remiges, and slightly darker wing tips. Male has pale blue grey upperparts, indistinct grey gular stripe, fine brownish orange barring on underparts, unbarred white thighs, and unbarred or only lightly barred central tail feathers. Female has upperparts more brownish grey. Juvenile has pale brown upperparts, more prominent gular stripe, and streaked underparts. Open woods and groves.


Accipiter badius 30-36cm
Vallooru in Tamil (வல்லூறு)
Widespread resident. Adults paler than Besra and Eurasian Sparrowhawk. Underwing pale, with fine barrings on remiges, and slightly darker wing tips. Male has pale blue grey upperparts, indistinct grey gular stripe, fine brownish orange barring on underparts, unbarred white thighs, and unbarred or only lightly barred central tail feathers. Female has upperparts more brownish grey. Juvenile has pale brown upperparts, more prominent gular stripe, and streaked underparts. Open woods and groves.