About Me

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Coimbatore, Tamilnadu, India
Sales Professional with great love for nature, collecting various birds on my camera, fighting for conservation of nature. My wife,Gaythri Devi also sharing similar interests and also being a better photographer, you can find us on Sundays in some jungle!

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Mottled Wood Owl

Strix ocellata 48cm
Porippulli Aandhai in Tamil
(பொரிப்புள்ளி ஆந்தை)
Resident. Concentric barring on facial discs, and white, rufous and dark brown mottling on upperparts; dark brown baring mixed with rufous on whitish underparts. Call is a spooky, quavering whaa-aa-aa-aa-ah. Open wooded areas, groves around villages and cultivation. 

Heart Spotted Woodpecker

Hemicircus canente 16cm
Karumpulli Marangoththi in Tamil
(கரும்புள்ளி மரங்கொத்தி)
Resident. Prominent crest; very short tail. Black and white plumage, with heart shaped black spots on tertials. Male has black crown, female has white crown, and juvenile has black spotting on white crown. Broadleaved forest and coffee plantations.

Malabar Trogan

Harpactes fasciatus 31cm
Malabar Theekkaakkai in Tamil
(மலபார் தீக்காக்கை)
Resident. Male has black or dark grey head and breast, pink underparts, and black and grey vermiculated wing coverts. Female has dark cinnamon head and breast, pale cinnamon underparts, and brown and buff vermiculated coverts. Immature male has blackish or grey head and breast, and cinnamon underparts; coverts are vermiculated with grey on older birds. Dense broadleaved forest.

Hill Myna

Gracula religiosa 25-29cm
Malai Naakanavaai in Tamil
(மலை நாகணவாய்)
Resident. Large myna with yellow wattles, large orange to yellow bill, and white wing patches. Juvenile has duller yellowish-orange bill, paler yellow wattles, and less gloss to plumage. Moist forest and plantations.

Imperial Green Pigeon

Ducula aenea 43-47cm
Pachchai Arasappuraa in Tamil
(பச்சை அரசப்புறா)
Resident. Large size, metallic green upperparts and tail, and maroon undertail coverts. Moist tropical broadleaved forest.

Black Naped Monarch

Hypothymis azurea 16cm
Karumpidari Arasa Eeppidippaan in Tamil
(கரும்பிடரி அரசஈப்பிடிப்பான் )
Widespread resident. Male mainly blue, with black nape and gorget. Female duller, with grey brown mantle and wings. Broad leaved forest and well wooded areas.

Black Crested Bulbul

Pycnonotus melanicterus 19cm
Karunkondai Chinnaan in Tamil
(கருண்கொண்டை சின்னான்)
Resident. Uniform wings and tail. Black crest with ruby red throat. Moist broadleaved forest and thick secondary growth.        

Yellow Browed Bulbul

Iole indica 20cm
Manjalpuruva chinnaan in Tamil
(மஞ்சள்புருவ சின்னான்)
Resident. Yellow supercilium, eye ring and underparts. Striking black bill and dark eye. Moist forest and secondary growth.

Crimson Backed Sunbird

Nectarinia minima 8cm
Chinna Thenchittu in Tamil
(சின்ன தேன்சிட்டு)
Resident. Smaller and finer billed than purple rumped. Male has broad crimson breast band and mantle. Female has crimson rump. Eclipse male has crimson back and purple rump. Calls include a flowerpecker like thlick-thlick. Evergreen forest and plantations.

Pompadour Green Pigeon

Treron pompadora 28cm
Saambalnetri Pachchaipuraa in Tamil
(சாம்பல் நெற்றி பச்சைபுறா)
Resident. Male has maroon mantle. diffuse orange patch on breast, greenish yellow throat, and uniform chestnut undertail coverts. Female lacks maroon mantle. Tropical and subtropical moist broadleaved forest and well wooded areas.

Brown Breasted Flycatcher

Muscicapa muttui 14cm
Pazhuppu Maarbu Eeppidippaan in Tamil
(பழுப்பு மார்பு ஈப்பிடிப்பான்)
Compared with Asian brown, has larger bill with entirely pale lower mandible, pale legs and feet, rufous buff edges to greater coverts and tertials, and slightly rufescent tone to rump and tail. Dense thickets in evergreen forest.

Vernal Hanging Parrot

Loriculus vernalis 14cm
Kuttaikkili in Tamil
Resident. Small green parrot. Adult with red bill and red rump. Broadleaved forest.

Indian Pitta

Pitta brachyura 19cm
Thottakkallan in Tamil
Resident. Bold black stripe through eye, white throat and supercilium, buff lateral crown stripes, and buff breast and flanks. A sharp two noted whistle, second note descending, pree-treer. Mainly broadleaved forest.

Orange Headed Thrush

Zoothera citrina 21cm
Senthalai Poonguruvi in Tamil
(செந்தலை பூங்குருவி)
Widespread resident. Adult has orange head and underparts; male with blue grey mantle, female with olive brown wash to mantle. Juvenile has buffish orange streaking on upperparts and mottled breast. Z.c.cyanotus of the peninsula has vertical black head stripes. Damp, shady places in forest and well wooded areas.

Malabar Grey Hornbill

Ocyceros griseus 45cm
Malabar Iruvaayan in Tamil
(மலபார் இருவாயன்)
Resident. Western Ghats. Orange or yellowish bill, lacking casque, and broad greyish white supercilium. Darker grey upperparts than Indian grey, with pale streaking to crown and sides of head, shorter, darker grey tail, and rufous undertail coverts. Female has black patch at base of lower mandible. Immature has rufous fringes to upperparts. Open forest.

Lesser Yellownape

Picus chlorolophus 27cm
Manjalpidari Sirumarangoththi in Tamil
(மஞ்சள்பிடரி சிறுமரன்கொத்தி)
Resident. Tufted yellow nape, scarlet and white markings on head, and barring or spotting on underparts. Smaller, with less prominent crest and smaller bill. Forest, secondary growth, plantations.

White Bellied Treepie

Dendrocitta leucogastra 48cm
Venvayitru Vaalkkaakkai in Tamil
(வெண்வயிற்று வால்காக்கை)  
Resident. Black face, white nape and underparts, white rump, black wings with white patch, and extensive black tip to tail. Evergreen hill forest and secondary growth.

Chestnut Tailed Starling

Sturnus malabaricus 20cm
Saambalthalai Naakanavaai in Tamil
(சாம்பல்தலை நாகணவாய்)
Resident. Adult has grey upperparts, rufous underparts, and chestnut tail. head whiterin southern race blythii. Juvenile rather uniform with rufous sides and tips to outer tail feathers. Open wooded areas.

Whiskered Tern

Chlidonias hybridus 23-25cm
Meesai Aalaa in Tamil
(மீசை ஆலா)
Widespread in winter. In breeding plumage, white cheeks contrast with black cap and grey underparts. In non breeding and juvenile plumage, from white winged by larger bill, grey rump concolorous with back and tail, and different head pattern. Compared with white winged, juvenile generally lacks pronounced dark lesser covert and secondary bars and has black and buff markings on mantle/scapulars that appear more chequered. Inland and coastal waters.

Monday, February 14, 2011

Blyth's Reed Warbler

Acrocephalus dumetorum 14cm
Blyth Naanalkathirkuruvi in Tamil
(ப்ளித் நாணல்கதிர்குருவி)    
Widespread winter visitor and passage migrant. Long bill, olive brown to olive grey upperparts and uniform wings. Comparitively indistinct supercilium barely apparent to eye. Bushes and trees at edges of forest, cultivation and wooded areas.

Booted Warbler

Hippolais caligata 12cm
Siberia Marakkathirkuruvi in Tamil
(சைபீரிய மரக்கதிர்குருவி) 
Small size. Tail looks long and square ended, and undertail coverts look short. Often shows faint whitish edges and tip to tail and fringe to tertials. Supercilium usually reasonably distinct. Breeds in tamarisks and reed grass; winters in scrub and groves in dry habitats.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Asian Brown Flycatcher

Muscicapa dauurica 13cm
Pazhuppu Eepidippaan in Tamil
(பழுப்பு ஈபிடிப்பான்)
Large bill with prominent pale base to lower mandible; shorter primary projection than dark sided flycatcher. Pale underparts, with light brownish wash to breast and flanks. Lores are more extensively pale than in Dark sided. Open forest and wooded areas.

Black Winged Cuckooshrike

Coracina melaschistos 24cm
Karu Irakkai Kuyilkeechchaan in Tamil
(கரு இறக்கை குயில்கீச்சான்)
Resident. Male slate grey, with black wings and bold white tips to tail feathers. Female paler grey with faint barring on underparts. Open forest and groves.

Bronzed Drongo

Dicrurus aeneus 24cm
Karumpachchai Karichchaan in Tamil
(கரும்பச்சை கரிச்சான்)
Resident. Adult small, with shallow tail fork, and heavily spangled.Juvenile has brown underparts, and duller and less heavily spangled upperparts. Moist broadleaved forest.

Ashy Drongo

Dicrurus leucophaeus 29cm
Saambal Karichaan in Tamil (சாம்பல் கரிச்சான்)
Adult has dark grey underparts and slate grey upperparts with blue grey gloss; iris bright red. First-winter has brownish grey underparts with indistinct pale fringes. Juvenile as Juvenile Black Drongo. Breeds in forest. Winters in well wooded areas.

Friday, February 11, 2011

Brown Backed Needletail

Hirundapus giganteus 23cm
Pazhuppu Mudhugu Mullvaal Uzhavaaran in Tamil 
(பழுப்பு முதுகு முள்வால் உழவாரன்)  

Resident. Large size, brown throat, indistinct 'saddle', and white lores. Pointed tail with prominent 'needles'. Broadleaved forest.

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Baya Weaver

Ploceus philippinus 15cm
Thookkanankuruvi in Tamil
Widespread resident. Breeding male has yellow crown, dark brown ear-coverts and throat, unstreaked yellow breast, and yellow on mantle and scapulars. Female/non breeding birds usually have unstreaked buff to pale yellowish underparts; can show streaking as prominent as on some poorly marked streaked, but generally has less distinct and buffish supercilium, lacks yellow neck patch, lacks pronounced dark moustachial  and malar stripes. Head pattern of some can, however, be rather similar to streaked. Cultivation and grassland.

Common Hawk Cuckoo or Brainfever Bird

Hierococcyx varius 34cm
Akkakuyil in Tamil

Widespread resident and partial migrant. Smaller than large hawk cuckoo, with grey upperparts, more rufous on underparts, indistinct barring on belly and flanks, and narrow tail banding. Juvenile has spotted flanks and narrow tail banding. Call as Large but more shrill and manic. Well wooded country.

Red Avadavat

Amandava amandava 10cm
Sivappu Sillai in Tamil
(சிவப்பு சில்லை)

Widespread resident. Breeding male mainly red with white spotting. Non breeding male and female have red bill, red rump and uppertail coverts, and white tips to wing coverts and tertials. Juvenile lacks red in plumage, has buff wing bars, pink bill base, and pink legs and feet. Tall wet grassland and reedbeds.

Woolly Necked Stork

Ciconia episcopus 75-92cm
Venkazhuthu Naarai in Tamil
(வெண்கழுத்து நாரை)

Widespread resident. Stocky, largely blackish stork with 'woolly' white neck, black skullcap and whie vent and undertail coverts. Juvenile similarly patterned to adult, but has duller brown body and wings, and feathered forehead. In flight, upperwing and underwing entirely dark. Freshwater woodlands in open wooded country.